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Why the Talladega College Band Should March in the Trump Inauguration Parade
According to a CBS News article a controversy has arisen regarding the decision by the "Great Tornado" marching band of Talladega College, a historically black college and university (HBCU) located in Talladega, Alabama, to participate in the inauguration parade of...
Brief Reflections on the Deaths of Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds
"Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted." - Matthew 5:4 (NASB) In reflecting this morning on the death of actress Carrie Fisher, and of her mother Debbie Reynolds, who passed away the very next day, I was thinking of their families and the...
A Theology of the Electoral College
As I consider that today the United States Electoral College will cast its votes to certify Donald Trump as America's 45th President-Elect, I am struck by the reality that there actually is much theology to be found within the Constitution. Please understand that in...
The Danger of Viewing Jesus as a Melanin Messiah
As a child growing up in the "black power" era of the 1970s it was imparted to me, and undoubtedly to other black children like me, that Jesus Christ was a white man. My adoption of this visage of the Son of God was achieved not so much directly, as if through a...
Fidel Castro and the Gospel of Grace
'As I live!' declares the Lord God, 'I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn back, turn back from your evil ways!' - Ezekiel 33:11 (NASB) Fidel Castro is dead. Depending on who you talk to, news of the...
How Support for Donald Trump by the Right Exposed the Racism of the Left
The question is a simple one. A very simple one. Does an American citizen, who is legally registered to vote, have the right to cast that vote for the candidate of his or her choice? Simple enough, right? Apparently not, depending on who you ask. The post-election...
Why a Hillary Clinton Victory ‘Might’ Have Been Better For The Evangelical Church
Image credit: I was hoping Hillary Clinton would win. Before you jump to conclusions, allow me to explain. Creatures of Habit From the standpoint of our respective socio-political worldviews, the former Secretary of State and I could not be more...
So, You Want ‘Social Justice’? Be Careful What You Ask For
When it comes to the matter of social justice context is key. I say this because when one examines closely the current national discourse on this issue, it becomes abundantly clear that significantly more emphasis is placed on the social dimension than the justice...
On Black Lives Matter and the Question No One Seems to be Asking (But Should)
Many questions have been raised - and continue to be - about the movement known as Black Lives Matter and its pursuit of social justice. But the question no one seems to be asking is one which, in my humble opinion, is the most fundamental of all: What does it...
On conservatives and race: do black lives really matter to the right?
Please consider this thoughtful commentary from my sister in the Lord, Lisa Robinson.