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Elections Are Ultimately About Voting the Right Sinner Into Office
Do me a favor. Stop whatever it is you're doing and take a few moments to think back to the very first promise someone made to you. What thoughts immediately come to your mind? Who made the promise? Was it fulfilled as-promised or is it yet to be realized? If the...
John Mark Syndrome: Pursuing Biblical Justice at the Expense of Christian Unity
Image credit: For anyone to admit that incidents of police-involved violence is a divisive topic in America today would be an understatement to say the least. Likewise, to deny that this issue is equally divisive, if not more so, among Christians is to...
Why The Debate Over The Star Spangled Banner Has Been Brewing For Over 2,000 Years
Commemorative statue of "The A&T Four" on the campus of North Carolina A&T University in Greensboro, North Carolina. Over the course of human history, the goal of all protest has been to change minds and influence behavior. Whether it is the Civil War, the...
The Sin of Injustice is No Excuse for the Sin of Racism
Image credit: For many young black Americans today, particularly millennials, the pursuit of “social justice” has become somewhat of a raison d'être (the sole reason for which a person or organization exists.) Being convinced that both their personhood and...
Socialized Medicine and the Sovereignty of God
I recently came across the story of Anita and Wolf Gottschalk, an elderly Canadian couple who are being forced to live in separate care facilities due to a backlog in the Canada healthcare system. The Gottschalks, who are in their 80s, have been married 62 years. The...
The Myth of ‘Black Community’
Much is being made today of the state of the so-called "black community". Unfortunately, this is not breaking news. The truth is much was being made of the black community in the 1960s... ...and the 1970s ...and the 1980s ...and the 1990s ...and Well, you get the...
Black Lives Matter and the Mirage of Activist Salvation
"All of us growl like bears, and moan sadly like doves; we hope for justice, but there is none, for salvation, but it is far from us." Isaiah 59:11 (NASB) Image credit: I recently undertook a rather judicious study of the Guiding Principles of the...
The Insufficiency of Our Efforts to Achieve Racial Reconciliation
“and He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation, that thy would seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him, though He is not far from each one of...
The Fight For Justice Is a Battle Over Hearts Not Hashtags
Police memorial statue vandalized in Byrd Park in Richmond, Virginia Image credit: Mark Gormus/Richmond Times-Dispatch In Genesis 4:3-8 we are presented with what many would consider the first occurrence of injustice in all of human history. The text describes how...
Taking a Fresh Look at the Life of Jonah: 9 Biblical Principles to Consider
It should go without saying that the Old Testament account of the prophet Jonah is one with which most of us are familiar to one extent or another. Since our earliest childhood our parents, Sunday School teachers, and pastors have regaled us with their interpretations...