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The Land of Misfit Christians
Image credit: One of the most common temptations we face as Christians is rooted in a desire to belong. To fit in with the world in which we live and be accepted by it. We go to great lengths to ensure we look, speak, and behave in such a way as to bring...
Brothers, Let Us Not Be Strangers
Something's been bothering me lately. It is something I believe should be talked about more often, but isn't. I'm speaking of the temptations men face. Christian men. Surprised? Don't be. After all, Christian men are still men. Look around and at your fingertips any...
Why I Cannot and Will Not Support Donald Trump for President
Image credit: I want to say at the outset that I am one of the five percent (or so) of black voters who did not support Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012. My decision had nothing to do with race. That I did not vote for the person who would become the...
The Most Dangerous Prayer a Christian Can Pray
Prayer is essential to the Christian life. It is essential to the Christian life because prayer was essential to the life of Jesus (Matthew 6:1-15, 14:23; Luke 5:16, 22:39-41; Hebrews 5:7.) Theologian Andrew Murray, who arguably has written more than anyone on the...
So, you want to be more like Jesus? Are you sure about that?
"I didn't go to religion to make me happy. I always knew a bottle of Port would do that. If you want a religion to make you feel really comfortable, I certainly don't recommend Christianity." - C.S. Lewis When was the last time you faced adversity in your life? I mean...
Why Fans of False Teachers Are So Eager to Defend Them
Creflo Dollar, founder and senior pastor, World Changers International Image credit: There is a degree of double-mindedness in the Church today when it comes to false teachers. It is a duality which manifests itself primarily in the fact that, as...
The One Question Everyone Seems to Be Asking
"I have come as a Light into the world, so that everyone who believes in Me will not remain in darkness." - John 12:46 (NASB) Abraham with Sarah and Hagar Image credit. It seems everywhere you turn today people are asking, "Do Christians and Muslims worship the...
The Embers of Our Empires
Image credit: "Rosebud." It was the last word spoken by millionaire newspaper magnate Charles Foster Kane, the fictional character portrayed by the incomparable Orson Welles in the 1941 classic Citizen Kane, a film many believe - including yours truly -...
When God Surprises Us With Blessings We Would Rather Do Without
Psst! I'm going to let you in on a little secret about me, okay? Not that you want or need to know, but, here it is anyway. I don't like surprises. In fact, I loathe them. If you wanna get on my nerves, surprise me with something. Anything. It doesn't matter what it...
The Fallacy of Gun Control as a Means of Behavior Change
In 1975, the band Earth, Wind, & Fire released an album entitled That's the Way of the World. Thirty years later, in 2005, Rolling Stone magazine listed the title song, "Way of the World", as one of the 500 greatest songs of all time at number 337. Hauntingly...