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Getting to the Heart of the Shooting at Emmanuel AME Church
Like many of you, I awoke this morning to the news that nine people had been murdered at Emmanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina. I recall visiting this historic "Mother Emmanuel" church during a vacation I took to Charleston in 2012 to visit the Old Slave...
Rachel Dolezal and the Futility of Racial Self-Identification
Unless you've been living under a rock the past couple of weeks you've no doubt heard of Rachel Dolezal, the now-former president of the Spokane, Washington branch of the NAACP. Dolezal recently resigned from that position after it was revealed that she is, in fact,...
“You Mad, Bro?” or “When The Gospel Gets Hard”
"...for the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God." - James 1:20 (NASB) Putting Our Anger in Context In this text from the book of James, the word anger is not speaking merely in terms of that human emotion which, at one point or another, we all have...
Black Democrats: It’s Time To Look In The Mirror
"Whenever a man has cast a longing eye on [political] offices, a rottenness begins in his conduct." - Thomas Jefferson A primary goal that I attempt to achieve with every blog article I write is to challenge people to think, regardless if they happen to agree or not...
On Same-Sex Marriage and Viewing God as a Divine Gallup Poll
I find it a tad humorous, in a sad sort of way, whenever I hear someone say "God supports" a certain kind of sinful behavior. "God supports [insert sin here]." Just think about those words for a second. I mean, here you have God, the ultimate, the pinnacle of being...
On the Baltimore “Uprising” and the Sinfulness of Racial Indignation
"...and He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation..." - Acts 17:26 (NASB) So, here we are again. Less than a year removed from the riots, shootings...
The Danger of Letting Your Spiritual Guard Down
"Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour." - 1 Peter 5:8 Lions are fascinating creations of God. When it comes to sheer strength lions are unrivaled in the animal world, which is why...
And To Think, Walter Scott’s Mother Didn’t Attend Seminary
To what I am sure is the utter disappointment and dismay of the sensationalist mainstream media, what is being under-reported about the killing of Walter Scott by now-former North Charleston, SC police officer, Michael Slager, is that Scott's mother, Judy Scott, has...
How the Church Often Resembles an Episode of ‘Chopped’
I like to cook. Sometimes anyway. Cooking is therapeutic. It relaxes me. The process of preparing a meal consisting of who-knows-what ingredients has a way of taking a load off my mind regardless the amount of time and effort involved. But, as comforting as it is for...
On Frederick Douglass and Putting Our Faith Into Action
"I prayed for twenty years, but I received no answer until I prayed with my legs." - Frederick Douglass, abolitionist, orator, educator and runaway slave In my personal library I have more books on slavery than on any other subject with the exception of theology. I...