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The Battlefield of the Mind

If I were to ask you where Jesus ranks among your life's priorities, what would be your response? Would your first impulse be to give a "spiritual" answer? That is, would you be inclined to say what you think you're supposed to say as a Christian? Or would you respond...

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EP # 065 | Capitalism

  It’s clear, the battle lines have been drawn from the left and the right.  Those on the left believe Socialism is the right path forward.  Those on the right disagree holding to the Capitalism that has made the country prosperous.  The question that needs to be...

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EP # 064 | Worldliness in the Church

  The late Dr. R.C. Sproul, Sr. once said, “My life didn’t get difficult until I became a Christian.” To be a Christian is, by definition, so separate oneself from his or her former life in the world. And yet, that separation doesn’t come easy as to live in this...

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EP # 063 | Slavery Reparations

  As the “social gospel” continues to gain traction within contemporary American evangelicalism, increasing numbers of professing Christians are aligning themselves with the idea that black Americans are owed reparations for slavery. But is such an idea biblical?...

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EP # 062 | A Biblical Theology of Socialism

  To say that socialism is gaining in popularity in the United States would an understatement. But to say the same about the Church is both disheartening and concerning. Why are increasing numbers of professing evangelical Christians attracted to a worldview that...

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EP # 061 | Born-Alive Act

  Recently, the United States Senate failed to pass the “Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act” or what is commonly known as the “Born-Alive Act”. The legislation, was aimed at protecting the lives of babies who were born alive after surviving an attempted...

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EP # 060 | Sexual Sin in the Church

  Sexual immorality is one of the most devastating sins confronting the church today, destroying marriages, families, and ministries. And yet, despite this reality, sexual sin–both individually and corporately–remains one of the least-addressed sins from the...

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(REPLAY) EP # 042 | The Narrow Road (Part 2)

  In this episode of the Just Thinking podcast, Darrell and Omaha (Virgil Walker) continue their discussion of Living Out ministry’s 10-question audit, “How Biblically Inclusive Is Your Church?”, which they initially discussed in episode 42, entitled ‘The Narrow...

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(REPLAY) EP # 041 | The Narrow Road (Part 1)

  It seems increasing numbers of so-called ‘evangelical’ Christian ministries are buying into a socio-cultural paradigm of Christianity, particularly as it relates to “affirming” professing believers who identify as “same-sex attracted”. One of the ways they do...

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(REPLAY) EP # 025 | Artificial Diversity

  Much is being made today of local church congregations becoming more ethnically diverse, and that ‘white supremacy’ is primarily the reason why “white churches” aren’t more ethnically diverse than they are. But Christ promised that His kingdom would be composed...

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Darrell B. Harrison

Virgil Walker