Christianity With an Asterisk*

Reading Time: 2 minutes“Let Christ, the King of Israel, come down now from the cross that we may see and believe.” – Mark 15:32a (ESV) The above comment was mockingly hurled at Jesus as He hung on the cross, having taken onto Himself the due penalty...

The Thad Cochranizing of Black Voters

Reading Time: 4 minutesAccording to a Washington Post article, it was black voters who provided Mississippi senator Thad Cochran with the support he needed to defeat challenger Chris McDaniel in a runoff election held on Tuesday, June 24. Cochran is a Republican, by...

Faith in the Past Tense

Reading Time: 4 minutesChristians are encouraged, and even commanded, to “have” faith in God. Seems simple enough on the surface, right? Perhaps.  The issue, however, is that, as Christians, we tend to take for granted that we know what having faith means....

Walking God’s Divine Tightrope

Reading Time: 5 minutesThe word “place” has a special, well, place, in the vernacular of Christians today, especially when we find ourselves going through something in our life. Conversely, like the word ‘place’, the word...