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According to a Washington Post article, it was black voters who provided Mississippi senator Thad Cochran with the support he needed to defeat challenger Chris McDaniel in a runoff election held on Tuesday, June 24.
Cochran is a Republican, by party affiliation anyway, and as much criticism, vitriol and downright hatred the Republican party receives from black liberals for not “reaching out” to black voters, I find it interesting that blacks in Mississippi would be so zealous to turn out in such numbers to support any Republican candidate, even in an open primary election, as was this one in Mississippi.
To the vast majority of black liberals, to be labeled or identified as “Republican”, “GOP” or “Conservative”, intrinsically carries with it a degree of disdain, and even hatred, that is without equal in the sphere of politics today. It is a deep-seated sentiment which, in many black families, is generational in nature, having been handed down by the grandparents and parents who lived through the experiences of the Civil Rights Era of the 1960s, when blacks and Democrats forged a seemingly unbreakable political alliance resulting largely from the fortuitous timing that provided President Lyndon B. Johnson the occasions to sign both the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act (1965), even though members of his own Democrat Party did everything they could to prevent those pieces of legislation from becoming law.
As a conservative who is black, it has been my experience from engaging in political discourse with black liberals – and I’ve spoken and debated with hundreds of them in recent years – that anything or anyone even remotely associated with the term ‘Republican’ or ‘conservative’ is immediately and unhesitatingly dismissed, without the slightest regard as to merit or worthiness of the argument being presented.
For some reason, however, black voters in Mississippi do not view Thad Cochran as “that kind of” Republican. Why? Because Cochran is what I call a “Handout Democrat” (disguised as a Republican) as opposed to an “Empowerment Republican” (think Booker T. Washington).
Thad Cochran will soon turn 77 years of age (December 2014). He was first elected to the U.S. Senate 36 years ago (1978). Thad Cochran is not stupid. He is well-aware of the aforementioned alliance between blacks and the Democrat Party; one that has now lasted half-a-century. More importantly, Cochran knows that this “alliance”, as historically decimating to black families as it is, was built on and is sustained by the promise of continuous Government entitlements. Even today, the question I am most often asked by black liberals is, “What has the Republican Party done for blacks?”as if cradle-to-grave sustenance is the primary reason Government exists.
Cochran knows all too well that, as a bloc, black voters espouse a “caretaker” paradigm of Government and decry any politician who dares to speak of “individual responsibility” or “individual empowerment”, terms which people like Cochran craftily translate as Republicans “taking away” entitlement programs from blacks. This mindset was the genesis of the snake-in-the-grass tactics Cochran, and his team of willing black accomplices, employed to defeat McDaniel in Tuesday’s runoff; an outcome which Jesse Jackson is applauding as a good thing for blacks in Mississippi.
(On a side note, it’s interesting that people like Jackson incessantly pontificate that Voter ID laws will result in the disenfranchisement of black voters, when Mississippi’s Voter ID law appears to not have disenfranchised a single one of the reported thousands of blacks who crossed over and voted for Thad Cochran last Tuesday. Perhaps the “reverend” Jackson is concerned about voter disenfranchisement only when it suits his agenda.)
As I look back over the last couple of days on how successful Cochran was in leveraging fear tactics to “inspire” black voters to support him in the Republican primary runoff, I can’t help but wonder how much longer will blacks allow self-centered politicians like Cochran to use and manipulate them for votes? For 50 years now, blacks in America have attached themselves to the Democrats’ entitlement umbilical cord and to no benefit to themselves. None. And yet, they seem to neither notice nor care.
Black liberals have so bought into the notion that “Republicans are racist” they refuse to realize that people like Cochran (who, speaking of crossing over, should become a Democrat given his liberal track record), are merely political opportunists who see black voters as simply a means to an end. Period.
The only reason Thad Cochran’s name was even mentioned in black communities and in black media is because it was his future on the line not theirs.
Cochran is no different from Barack Obama, who feigned concern for black issues in order to get votes, but who upon being elected, and subsequently re-elected, exhibited absolutely no tangible interest in the issues and challenges that truly mattered to them. Case in point, Obama has aggressively pushed an immigration agenda to the benefit of Hispanics and, conversely, for marriage equality for his LGBT constituents, whereas blacks, who supported him in upwards of 96 percent in 2008 and again in 2012, have only the My Brother’s Keeper initiative to boast about, while black unemployment rate remains double that of whites.
Awesome! :/
Look, regardless of party affiliation black voters must begin to take ownership of their own political futures and cease being so gullible by responding as-expected to manipulative tactics such as were deliberately employed by charlatans like Thad Cochran. Cochran is a pimp. Nothing more.
And you know what they call someone who works for a pimp, don’t you?
It’s time for the “Thad Cochranization” of black voters to stop. The irony, however, is that it is entirely up to black voters to stop it.
Think about it.