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The One Sin You Don’t Think You’re Guilty Of, But Probably Are
EP # 027 | Majoring in the Minors
In this episode of Just Thinking, Darrell and Virgil give listeners to the podcast two for one. First, the brothers take a look-see at what the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) is doing to promote social justice within its organization, including achieving...
The Misleading Language of the Social Justice Movement
"The concept of the black race and the white race originated with the Enemy himself. Just as he sowed seeds of doubt in the garden of Eden with his "hath God really said," he has continued through the ages to offer a lie in the place of God's truth. His attack has...
EP # 026 | Ideological Tribalism
Why would a 7-word tweet by Kanye West, a black man, be so upsetting to so many black people? And why do black people make other black people pay a price for thinking outside of what is considered to be culturally normative? To answer these questions, Darrell...
EP # 025 | Artificial Diversity
Much is being made today of local church congregations becoming more ethnically diverse, and that ‘white supremacy’ is primarily the reason why “white churches” aren’t more ethnically diverse than they are. But Christ promised that His kingdom would be composed...
EP # 024 | Beyoncé Mass
In this episode of Just thinking, Darrell and Virgil discuss the wide-ranging theological impacts of an Episcopal church in San Francisco that is making news for its plans to host a Beyoncé Mass in late-April 2018. Resources Related episodes N/A Related blog...
EP # 023 | Sin by Proxy
In this episode of the Just Thinking podcast, Darrell and Virgil address a concerning development among Christian social justice advocates – the adoption of the doctrine of “sin by proxy.” Sin by Proxy is a term Darrell coined (listen to episode 23) to define...
The Problem Is Enmity, Not Ethnicity
"Once we are reconciled to God, the estrangement and hostility is over. The peace is sealed for eternity." R.C. Sproul, Sr. (1938-2017) Enmity. It is a word that has all but disappeared from our contemporary lexicon. Think about it for a moment. When was the last time...
EP # 022 | MLK 50 Conference
The MLK50 Conference held on April 3-4, 2018 by the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) has been controversial, to say the least. Some Christians saw the conference as unifying and necessary, whereas others saw it as divisive and unproductive. The...
EP # 021 | Reformed Theology
In this episode of the Just Thinking podcast, Darrell and Virgil get very personal by sharing with listeners their respective experiences of how God, in His providence, led them from Pentecostalism and Arminianism to Reformed theology and the Doctrines of...