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EP # 020 | “There’s No Scientific Basis for Race” (Part 2)
In this episode of the Just Thinking podcast, Darrell and Virgil conclude their discussion of the National Geographic article ‘There’s No Scientific Basis for Race – It’s a Made-Up Label’ and argue why the church needs to wholeheartedly reject the...
EP # 019 | “There’s No Scientific Basis for Race” (Part 1)
It is a sad state of affairs when a secular publication conveys a universal truth that many Christians have, and continue to, refuse to accept. Namely, that ‘race’ is a myth. In this episode of the Just Thinking podcast, Darrell and Virgil discuss at length,...
EP # 018 | A Quiet Exodus or a Misguided Expectation
In this current milieu of social justice and racial reconciliation, the evangelical church in America is expected to be all things to all people. This is particularly the case regarding the expectation of churches composed of primarily of white congregants to...
EP # 017 | The Pantherization of Black Christians
The recently-released film Black Panther is proving to be a box-office blockbuster, having earned over $700M worldwide to-date. But is that news as positive for the church? In this episode of the Just Thinking podcast, Darrell and Virgil discuss, perhaps to the...
EP # 016 | How to Be a Better White Person
The current socio-cultural milieu is such that ‘race’ is increasingly becoming a factor and variable in almost every aspect of our existence as human beings. ‘Racial reconciliation’ is now the cause du jour among many individual Christians and churches, so much...
EP # 015 | A Biblical Theology of Soul Food
In this episode of Just Thinking, Darrell and Virgil address what many people might consider one of the most obscure topics in the history of Christian podcasting. Namely, the relationship between the gospel and ‘soul food’. No, we’re not kidding. Listen as...
EP # 014 | Is the gospel still powerful today?
In Romans 1:16, the apostle Paul describes the gospel as “the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes.” But is that same gospel still powerful today? In this episode of the Just Thinking podcast, Darrell and Virgil discuss the story of Joe...
EP # 013 | Cultural Marxism and Public Education
What do Karl Marx and learning your ABCs have in common? You might be surprised. In this episode of ‘Just Thinking’, Darrell and Virgil discuss the growing influence of cultural Marxism in public education or, perhaps more accurately, public indoctrination, by...
EP # 012 | “Born of the Spirit”
Many Christians, and non-Christians alike, are confused about what the gospel actually is and what it means to be ‘born-again’. Is everyone a “child of God” merely by virtue of being born physically? The new birth is an eternally important subject about which...
Don’t Waste God’s Time
"The present is the only time in which any duty may be done or grace received." C.S. Lewis A primary role of the church, and of the gospel upon which it is founded, is to prepare its people for eternity. Or, to put it more plainly, to prepare them to die. And yet...