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Hijacking ‘Evangelicalism’
As increasing numbers of professing Christians subscribe to a gospel of social justice - a fundamental tenet of which is the resurrection and prosecution of past sins committed primarily by white evangelical Christians against black people whether by commission or...
EP # 002 | Mass Shootings
We could not wait to come back to you guys with another Just Thinking Podcast. So our crazy producer Dawain (host of The BAR Podcast) thought it would be good to bring you a bonus show on Saturday. You can regularly catch us every Friday right here on...
EP # 001 | Introduction
This finally here Just Thinking Podcast a new show on The B.A.R. Podcast Network. Darrell Harrison and Virgil Walker introduce the show and tell you what to be looking out from them in the future. Check out Darrell’s blog at Resources...
‘Big Bang’ Racism
Ex nihilo, nihil fit (Out of nothing, nothing comes) According to the website, in science, the Big Bang Theory is, "the leading explanation about how the universe began. At its simplest, it says the universe as we know it started with a small singularity,...
A Christianity So ‘Cool’, It’s To Die For
"For to you it has been granted, for Christ's sake, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake." - Philippians 1:29a (NASB) You will forgive my tardiness, but only a few days ago did I come across an article published earlier this month on the website...
Why ‘Racism’ Isn’t Wrong
In surveying the current socio-cultural landscape in America, it seems increasing numbers of individuals are either identifying as social justice activists or aspire to be one. What began with the protestations of one individual over perceived systemic "racial"...
On Social Justice Protests and Our Misguided Quest for ‘Unity’
Notwithstanding the myriad reasons professional athletes in America are protesting the national anthem, President Donald Trump, law enforcement officers, the military, or other social, civil, or political issue, entity, or individual, there appears to be a certain...
The Struggle for Social Justice is Ultimately a Struggle with Ourselves
There is great emphasis being placed today by Christian social justice activists on remedying the adverse effects of historical and contemporary injustices, particularly as it relates to its generational impact on "people of color" (e.g. black people) in America. I...
Seeking a ‘Social Savior’
"Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world." John 1:29 As I continue to scan the landscape of Christian social justice activism, that is, social justice-labeled activities that are said to be carried out "in the name of" Christ, I've noticed many...
Is the Gospel No Longer Enough for Black Christians?
Located on one of the most historic streets in the United States, particularly for black Americans, Auburn Avenue in downtown Atlanta, stands the venerable Big Bethel AME Church. "Big Bethel", as it is affectionately and reverently known, was founded in 1847, the same...