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A Few Words About Justice
Against the backdrop of various media reports concerning the killing of Ahmaud Arbery, and the subsequent manifold calls that his alleged killers be brought to justice, as a black Christian who has been following this developing story in background, I felt compelled...
EP # 096 | Christian Contentment
Adversity has a way of revealing our true selves, especially during times of trial that seem to last for a prolonged period of time. It is during those times that Christians must guard against allowing the sin of discontentment to take root in our hearts. In...
EP # 095 | Pornography in the Church
The statistics tell the story — pornography is a destroyer. It destroys marriages, families, careers, and reputations. In other words, pornography destroys lives. Christians are not immune to this scourge. And yet pornography remains one of the least-addressed...
EP # 094 | Do Not Love the World
The coronavirus continues to affect the lives of countless people around the world. But notwithstanding the casualties the COVID-19 pandemic has left in its wake, God is using that adversity to expose some things about the hearts of His people that some may not...
God’s Love For The Unlovable
Among the more misunderstood attributes of God is His love. Admittedly, God's attributes are innumerable. God is infinite. So it stands to reason that His nature cannot fully be comprehended by our finite and limited faculties. Nonetheless, I would venture to say that...
EP # 093 | A Biblical Theology of the Role of Government
With the U.S. presidential elections only months away, many Christians, particularly young believers, are supporting candidates who endorse a socialist view of government. More specifically, the idea that it is the role of government to promote social equality. But is...
EP # 092 | Racial Reconciliation?
What is “racial reconciliation”? Is it biblical? Many evangelicals seem to think it is. So much so that “racial reconciliation” has become big business with some Christian ministries and organizations. But what does Scripture have to say about the subject?...
EP # 091 | Woke Worship (Part 2)
A recent article in Christianity Today addressed some challenges pastors are encountering as they work to meet the felt needs of their multiethnic congregations. But should multiethnicity be a focus of the church’s mission? Just how “woke” should a worship...
EP # 090 | Woke Worship (Part 1) [Live]
In this special edition of the Just Thinking podcast, which was recorded live at the 2020 G3 Conference in Atlanta on Thursday, January 16, 2020, Darrell and Omaha discuss the topic of “Woke Worship” or, what they describe in theological terms as “identity...
EP # 089 | Superstitious Christianity
Are you a superstitious Christian? Be honest. Do you know someone who is? In fact, what is a “superstitious Christian” anyway? In this final episode of the Just Thinking podcast for 2019, Darrell and “Omaha” (Virgil) discuss a practice that many people who...