by Darrell B. Harrison | May 27, 2012 | blog
Reading Time: 6 minutesGrowing up in inner-city Atlanta, in the public housing projects of Dixie Hills, a lesson that I learned early in life is that there would be material things that I would desire to have but could not have. That was my reality and I accepted it....
by Darrell B. Harrison | May 24, 2012 | blog
Reading Time: 5 minutesAs my own spiritual and political worldview has matured (hopefully) over the years, there remains one question, above all others I’ve encountered, which is so perplexing to me that, at times anyway, I find myself wanting to hurl myself...
by Darrell B. Harrison | May 20, 2012 | blog
Reading Time: 4 minutesAs I continue to study the reactions of black Christian pastors, and their congregants, to President Obama’s pronouncement earlier this month in support for same-sex marriage, I become more convinced of something I’ve feared for quite some time...
by Darrell B. Harrison | May 20, 2012 | blog
Reading Time: < 1 minuteHello, and welcome to my new blog. Not only is this my “new” blog, it’s also my first. For some time now, many of my friends and acquaintances have been encouraging, if not badgering, me about writing a blog. So, on a whim,...